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The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies

“An Introduction to Affect and Sensory Studies,” graduate seminar, in English

Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics

(all taught in English)

“Critical Consumption Studies”

This course examines the political, economic, social, and cultural aspects of consumption broadly conceived. Theoretical and empirical studies on consumption have attracted scholarly attention from various disciplines ranging from sociology, anthropology, history, geography, business, and marketing studies, to agri-food studies. This course provides the overview of the interdisciplinary discussion on consumption -- not simply as the purchasing of goods but also as a political and social practice. It asks, for example, how have scholars in different disciplines understood and theorized consumption?; how does the consumption of food, clothes, and other consumer products affect social, economic, cultural and environmental sustainability?; and who are main actors and how they interact each other in these processes.


“Comparative Business Ethics” (Spring 2020; Spring 2019; Spring 2018)

This course aims to foster students’ better understanding of theories and practices concerning business ethics in diverse countries and regions. It particularly helps students to identify and analyze how ethical issues in business changed over time and how ethical concerns and practices became increasingly complex in today’s global economy. As business practices become more global and more complicated, the consequences and responsibility of corporate activities are increasingly subject to scrutiny from the public and institutions outside the company. This course reviews a wide array of ethical issues arising in contemporary businesses, including corporate social responsibility, environmental impacts, work-place diversity, working conditions, and ethical marketing, from multidisciplinary and multifaceted perspectives. In so doing, this course encourages students to explore the social, cultural, political, and environmental consequences of business operations.

“Business and the Global Economy” (Fall 2019; Fall 2018)

This course explores the development and expansion of the global economy and industrialization, with particular focus on their social, political, and cultural impacts on society. Today we face a wide range of political, social, and environmental challenges. For example, while industrialization since the eighteenth century helped create and accumulate wealth in certain parts of the world, it has also generated economic gaps between countries and exacerbated environmental degradation. In this course, we explore the origins and development of such contemporary issues by focusing on the role of businesses in helping to create the world we live in today and their effort to resolve the challenges. The course particularly provides a general overview of how entrepreneurs and corporate managers developed their business strategies with the growth of the global economy and how their business practices affected political, social, and environmental conditions in various countries.

Invited Lectures

“The Embodiment of Modern Sensibility: A History of Aesthetics and Consumer Capitalism in the Early 20th Century,” University of Tokyo–Asian University for Women Joint Summer Program, University of Tokyo, August 6, 2024

“Kanjiru rekishi: Gokan to kanjo de yomitoku rekishi to bunka [Feeling history: History and culture of the senses and emotions,” Friday Special Lectures for High School and University Students, University of Tokyo, May 24, 2024


“Shikaku-ka suru mikaku: Kankaku to kanjo no rekishigaku [Visualizing taste: The history of the senses and emotions],” Global Science Campus (lecture for high school students), University of Tokyo, September 3, 2022


“Capitalism and the Senses in History,” intensive graduate seminar, University of Göttingen, July 2021

“Creating Modern Business,” intensive graduate seminar on business history, Graduate School of Economics, Hokkaido University, September 17–20, 2019

 “Color in Business Strategy: Global and Local Food,” GLOCAL Summer School, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, August 26, 2019

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