Invited Talks
Book talk, Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat, The Japanese Association for American Studies, Online, January 31, 2021 (forthcoming)
Book talk, Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat, Hitotsubashi University Institute of Innovation, Online, January 20, 2021
Book talk, Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat, Business History Society of Japan, Kansai Workshop, Online, January 9, 2021
“Business History no Tayosei: Beikou wo Jirei ni [Varieties of Business History: An example from the United States],” Business History Society of Japan (plenary session), Online, December 5, 2020
Book talk, Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat, Kyoto University Economic and Business History Seminar, Online, November 21, 2020
“Not Business as Usual: New Horizons in Business History,” BHC Luncheon (Roundtable), American Historical Association, New York, January 5, 2020
Book talk, Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat, Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR, November 6, 2019
“The Boundary between Taste and Vision: Food Regulation and Business Strategies in the United States during the 1960s, International Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, October 25, 2019
“Capitalism and the Senses: Recreating Consumer Experience,” Seeking the Unconventional in Forging Histories of Capitalism, Harvard Business School, Boston, May 9–10, 2019
“Business and the Senses: The Rise of Mass Consumer Society and the Transformation of Visuality in the United States at the Turn of the Twentieth Century,” Business History Society of Japan Hokkaido Workshop, Hokkaido University, Japan, September 17, 2019
“Sensory Capitalism: Creating the ‘Natural’ Color of Foods,” Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University, Japan, January 17, 2017
“Creating ‘Natural Yellow’ for Butter and Oleomargarine,” National Museum of American History Colloquium, Washington, D.C., April 7, 2015
“Processed Foods in the Early-Twentieth-Century United States,” Culinary Historians of Washington D.C., January 11, 2015
“Research on Food Marketing: The Seagram and the Dichter Collections at Hagley,” Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, DE, February 23, 2012
Conference Presentations
“‘Use Not Perfumery to Flavor Soup’: Aesthetic Judgement in the Science of the Senses,” Hagley Conference, Capitalism and the Senses, Online, November 5–6, 2020
“Reshaping an Industry: Industrialization, Globalization, and the Transformation of Food from the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century,” World Congress of Business History, Nagoya, Japan, September 10–12, 2020 (accepted; canceled due to Covid-19)
“A Category as Cultural Production: The Transformation of Taste and Labor Struggle in the U.S. Wine Industry,” American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 8–11, 2020 (accepted; canceled due to Covid-19)
“Between Global and Local: The Dynamics of the Food Industry,” Business History Conference, Charlotte, NC, March 12–14, 2020 (accepted; could not attend due to Covid-19)
“Creating a Visual Fantasy: Sensory Appeal and the Presentation of Naturalness in Food Photography in the Interwar United States,” Hagley Conference, Commercial Pictures and the Arts and Technics of Visual Persuasion, Wilmington, DE, November 8, 2019
“Capitalism of the Senses: Business, Color, and the Standardization of Food in the United States, 1870s–1930s,” European Business History Association, Rotterdam, Netherlands, August 29–31, 2019
“Capitalism of the Senses: Food, Color, and the Creation of Modern Visual Culture,” Business History Conference, Cartagena, Columbia, March 14¬–16, 2019
“Sensory Capitalism: The Creation of New Visuality and the Food Business,” Congress of Business History Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan, September 29–30, 2018
“Reimagining the Natural in the American Food Industry,” Society for Social Studies of Science, Sidney, Australia, August 29–September 1, 2018
“Natural Colors and the Palette of Domesticity in the Nineteenth-Century United States,” World Economic History Congress, Boston, July 29–August 3, 2018
“The Co-Creation of Standardized Colors in the American Food Industry, 1870s–1930s,” 40th History of Technology Conference, Colors in Technology¬—Technology of Colors, Eisenbibliotheck, Schlatt, Switzerland, November 17–18, 2017
“Imagining the Color of Nature: The Florida Citrus Industry and Color Management Practice, 1930s–1950s,” Society for the History of Technology, Philadelphia, October 26–29, 2017
“Visualization of Taste: Mass Marketing, Regulation, and the Co-Creation of Color in the American Food Industry at the Turn of the Twentieth Century,” Japanese Association of American Studies, Tokyo, Japan, June 3–4, 2017
“‘The Eye Says Buy’: Color and the Creation of the American Food Market, 1920s–1940s,” Business History Conference, Denver, March 30–April 1, 2017
“Vision and Taste: Standardized Color and the Creation of Naturalness in the American Food Industry,” Stop Making Sense, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, March 10, 2017
“More ‘Natural’ Than Nature: Food Regulation and the Creation of Food Coloring Businesses in the Progressive Era,” Organization of American Historians, Providence, RI, April 7–10, 2016
“Creating ‘Natural’ Yellow: The Development of the American Dairy Industry at the Turn of the Twentieth Century,” World Economic History Congress, Kyoto, Japan, August 3–7, 2015
“The Color of New Tastes: State Power, Industry, and Hegemony of Vision in Modern Food Stores in the United States, 1870s–1930s,” Business History Conference, Miami, June 24–27, 2015
“Making Natural: Coloring Florida Oranges, 1930s–1950s,” Hagley Conference, Green Capitalism? Exploring the Crossroads of Environmental and Business History, Wilmington, DE, October 30–31, 2014
“Visualizing the Taste: The Federal Policy and Corporate Enterprises of Food Color from the 1880s to the 1930s,” Roger Smith Conference on Food, From Flint Knives to Cloned Meat: Our Ambiguous Love, Hate, and Fear of Food Technologies, New York, April 3–5, 2014
“The Color of Taste: Selling Food in Clear Packages in the Early-Twentieth-Century United States,” CHORD Conference, Retailing and the Senses: Historical Perspectives, Leeds, UK, September 5, 2013
“Geography of Taste,” Center for Diaspora and Transnational Studies Conference, Foodways: Diasporic Diners, Transnational Tables and Culinary Connections, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, October 4–6, 2012
“Taste Contested: The Construction of American Wine Culture, 1967–1976,” Food Studies Conference, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, December 9–10, 2011
“The Romanticization of Home-Cooking: Betty Crocker and Ideal Womanhood in the Early Twentieth-Century United States,” Food and Drink: their Social, Political, Cultural Histories, University of Central Lancashire, Lancashire, UK, June 15–17, 2011
“Betty Crocker and American Women in the Early Twentieth Century,” Graduate Students in American Studies Program, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, July 17, 2008