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About me


©️Susan Young

I'm Associate Professor at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies/Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo, Japan. I specialize in cultural and business history; studies in capitalism; the long-term development of technology; and the history of the senses.


I received a BA and MA in American Studies from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and a PhD in History from the Hagley Program in the History of Capitalism, Technology, and Culture at the University of Delaware.​ After earning my PhD in 2016, I served as a Newcomen Postdoctoral Fellow in Business History at Harvard Business School (2016–17), and taught at the Graduate School of Economics at Kyoto University (2017–2021).

My first book, Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat (Harvard University Press, 2019) won the 2020 Hagley Prize in Business History (Business History Conference) and the 2020 Shimizu Hiroshi Book Award (Japanese Association for American Studies).


2024.12.5. New Article [in Japanese]

"The history of taste and smell: Industrialization and the transformation of sensory experienceJournal of Taste and Smell Research 31, no. 2 (2024): 134–140​

2024.9.12. New Article (book review) [in Japanese]

A Cultural History of Mass Empathy: Emotion and Politics in the 1930s in the U.S. and the Soviet Union by Masumi Kameda (University of Tokyo Press, 2023) in Socio-Economic History 90, no. 3 (2024): 138–140

2024.9.12. New Article (book review) 

The Feel of Algorithms by Minna Ruckenstein (University of California Press, 2023) in Social & Cultural Geography (2024)

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